The first thing your dentist will do is use a shade guide to determine the correct shade of resin colour to use that most closely resembles the colour of your natural teeth. The surface of your teeth will then be slightly roughened and treated with a liquid etching solution that allows the bonding agent to stick to the tooth. The composite resin is then applied over the liquid, in the form of a paste, and then the tooth is gently sculpted and shaped to achieve the desired shape that looks great and fits your bite well. After achieving just the right dimensions, the bonding material will be hardened with a special ultraviolet light. If required, the tooth can be further shaped after the resin hardens. Finally, the remade tooth is polished for a natural appearance. The process typically takes between 30-60 minutes from start to finish, although sometimes it may take longer depending on the extent of your circumstances. Dental bonding is a very natural looking option; most people do not even realize you have a bonded tooth unless you tell them!